Sunday, November 6, 2011

Turns out pudding pictionary is very entertaining

So this past week we were at the library emailing, and we had an appointment that we had to hurry to. So I told my companion we had to end at a certain time so we wouldn't be late. So that time comes, I get off, and she isn't quite finished. So I sat there and waited for her to finish, worrying that we are going to be late to this appointment. So finally she finishes, and we are walking out and we run into a lady named Vera. We were teaching Vera right when I first got here and she just wasn't interested in changing so we stopped going. The interesting thing, is that the night before she had called us but we missed it because we were in an appointment. So we tried calling her back and she just hadn't returned the call. So of course we run into her on her way out and she explained to us that the reason she called was because she is pregnant and wanted us to come over and pray with her. She hadn't told her husband yet because she wanted to talk to us first. She then said she never comes to the library and we are never there on Wednesday nights. From this she said she knew she needed to meet with us, and that what we have is important. It was incredible. So we set up a time to meet with her this week and I am excited. The Lord truly has timing for everything. And I also realized I need to be patient because if we had left on time, we would have missed her. I love things like this!
So we have a lady we are teaching named Christina and when we found her, her life was very low. She said her life has been terrible, and her boyfriend wanted to leave her and her 2 kids, and everything that could be messed up in her life was. SO we began to teach her and have been continually going over there to help her. This last time, we went over and she has cut down her smoking tremendously, and told us all of the amazing things that have been happening since we have come and how much happier she is. Her boyfriend has seen a change in her as well and wants us to teach him too so they can be taught as a family. It has been amazing to actually see a difference in this family since we have been teaching her. That is what the gospel does, it brings happiness and meaning into people's lives.
Things are going great! I love you all!
Love, Elizabeth

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